February Challenge – Week 1


Doing class is important, but if you want to succeed, practice at home helps to cement what is learned in class.

For this week, send us your videos and/or photos of you practicing at home (not during Zoom class). Send us your videos/photos practicing techniques, kata, routines, sparring drills, etc. Aero students can also participate by sending in video/photos of you practicing some of the combinations or exercises.

Each video/photo submitted will be entered into the draw at the end of the week for a UFMA hoodie or Pro jersey. Every child who submits an entry will also receive a loot bag of goodies, to be received once we are back at karate in person.

You can send multiple videos/photos showing you practicing different things. Send your submission to ufmahamiltonwest@gmail.com or if you are following us on social media, you can DM us.

Good luck!!